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Pet Owner Services

Owning a pet adds love and purpose to your life; but it’s natural to encounter a few challenges along the way. Caring for your animals - whether they’re birds, fish, reptiles, amphibians or mammals - begins they moment you make them a part of your home. At The Pet Shop Girls, we offer a number of services to help your adjustment go smoother and to help you take great care of your pets.








Coat Care of your dog

by Ann Carter - Grooming Marvellous, France



When choosing your new life time companion, it is very important not only to consider how energetic the dog is, but also the type of maintenance the coat requires.  We can all be seduced by the cute Cockerpoo’s, Bichon Frise, or larger types, Bearded Collies, huskies, German Sheperds etc

Two Dogs

The big question is, are you prepared to spend the time to keep the coat in tip top condition?  If not a short haired breed is for you.  They may still moult, but won’t get matted or tangled up.  A matted dog is not a happy dog.  The matt’s will slowly get tighter and tighter and pull on the skin.  In extreme cases this can cause very bad health issues to the dog.


Ok, so you still want to have a long haired dog?  If you don’t have the time to groom on a daily or a few times a week, than you must be prepared to get the dog professionally groomed.  Depending on the breed of dog, depends on how often this will be needed.


I will be writing regular guides on different breeds on care of the coats.  If you have any questions or need help, please do not hesitate to contact me and I will be help as much as I can. 

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